Saturday, August 23, 2008


Stop #1 on the ultimate trek through history was Creation. There we learned that God created the world and all that's in it in six days, and on the seventh day, He rested, not because He was tired but because He was finished His work.

Yesterday, Stop #2 was Corruption. It was a dark day in the history of the human race. Adam and Eve made a really bad choice--they chose to disobey God. Lots of bad things happened as a result of that. The most important is that sinful people were now separated from a Holy God. Today's stop on the trek is Catastrophe.

When the children arrive in the morning, as we're waiting for everyone to arrive, there is always an activity for them at their expedition base station. Here, some of the Jazzy Jaguars watch a short video about Noah's ark, while another group looks at dinosaur books.

About 4,300 years ago, God judged the earth by sending a worldwide flood. Most of us probably know the story of Noah and the ark, in which Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives, plus lots of animals, were saved. We heard a bit about this in opening assembly.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


The first day was a great success! Everyone worked so hard to make it happen.

Here we are at Day 2, our second stop on our trek through history. The second C of history is Corruption. On this day, we learned about how sin entered the world.

Learning new songs is always a fun part of VBS. The songs help the kids remember the lessons.

There are some very crafty people in the rainforest!

Coloring is a quiet activity.

We recognize these two! They're playing in the water with various rainforest animals. Today, those animals are made of plastic, but just wait . . . we've got a surprise for tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

This is the Week We've Been Waiting For! **MONDAY**

Months of preparation behind us; the week, August 18-22, before us. The decorating team has done an awesome job! We hardly recognize the place--the building has been turned into an Amazon rainforest. In the foyer, there is a beautiful waterfall next to the registration table. Vines and leaves wind around the railings.

There's a plane that has crashed in the jungle, right next to one of the Expedition Base Camps.

Each of the Base Camps has a cool sign with a different jungle animal on it.

Here's Ethan and his cousin, Noah, waiting for everything to start.

Oh, here they come. This was the first part of the registration line. On Monday, we had 134 kids registered.

That's a lot of kids and a lot of volunteers (they're the ones in the jungle green t-shirts!)

What's VBS without singing! The Worship Team of Kerri-Jo Fehr, Koryland Fehr, Kayleesa Fehr, and Melynda Bergen did a fabulous job teaching new songs.

Outside, across the street at the Presbyterian Church, a team of sports leaders and helpers played all kinds of games with the kids. [Thanks to the kind folks at the Presbyterian Church for letting us use their lawn.]

Here we are coming to the end of the first day! Learning the actions helps us remember the words and the lesson. The worship team leads the group in singing "God Made Me, God Made You."

An interview with Dr. Jones, a "paleontologist," helped us review and remember interesting truths from today's session.

We have a special project this week. See this empty shopping cart? We're going to fill it with all sorts of yummy snacks for kids to take to school in their lunchboxes, and then we're going to wheel that cart on down to the Salvation Army Food Bank! Come on, teams, let's bring those treats for the Food Bank. Earn points for your team for each item you bring. Don't delay!! Do it today!!